2A: Basic Shooter
Project Overview
You will be designing a flywheel shooter to launch a Power Cell, a 7 inch diameter foam ball, from the 2020/2021 Infinite Recharge game. Watch the 2020 Game Animation, Team 1690 2020 Robot Reveal and 2021 Chezy Champs Finals 2 for an understanding of the game tasks. Refer to the game manual and field layout drawings for field elements and the AndyMark website for power cell specifications.
The shooter will be designed to shoot the Power Cells into the high goal from just behind the white "Initiation Line."
To design the shooter, this document will be used as reference. After the engineering concepts section, you will follow a rough guide to model a copy of it.
Engineering Concepts & Decisions
The engineering concepts and decisions made to design the reference shooter are covered in the following sections. We cover these concepts lightly so you can understand the principles of designing flywheel shooters enough to design one yourself. The design handbook covers the "why" for these concepts if you would like to gain a deeper understanding.