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1D: Design Methodology - Simple Swerve Drivebase


So far, you've worked on CAD fundamentals through courses and FRC-relevant exercises, but haven't done anything within a larger context. In this stage, you'll dive right into designing for a real robot. In this project, you will be designing a swerve drivebase while being introduced to a design workflow that will be applied to all future projects.

  1. Learn the basics of top-down design and layout sketching
  2. Model a swerve drivebase using COTS swerve modules
  3. Create a top-level assembly and insert a pre-modeled mechanism (1678's 2023 elevator and manipulator)

Even if you've already modeled a drivetrain the past, this guide serves as an excellent introduction to the top-down layout sketch design methodology.

The swerve drivebase that you will be modeling with a pre-modeled scoring mechanism.