1C: Practice Mechanisms
Congratulations on completing Stage 1C! Keep up the good work!
Here is a quick summary of what you have learned and achieved in 1C:
- The use of layout sketches for various small-scale mechanisms
- The use of the Origin Cube to maintain a consistent origin
- Configurable components including the Configurable Rollers document and Configurable Spacer Stack
- COTS parts such as tube plugs, nut strips, telescope bearing blocks, and REV MAXPlanetary gearboxes
- The difference between live and dead axle rollers and how to use them
- Various ways of powering mechanisms with motors
- The use of 3D-printed pulleys, spacers, crush blocks, and crush plates
- How to use section views, driven dimensions, interference detection, isolate, hide, and make transparent
Using keyboard shortcuts can significantly accelerate your CAD workflow. Be attentive to best practices to avoid developing any bad habits.
Remember, practice is essential – the more CAD models you create, the more proficient and efficient you'll become. As mentioned in the introduction of 1C, if you feel you need more practice, try and model more small mechanisms of your choice, making sure to get feedback on them from more experienced members/mentors of your team or the Discord Server.
In stage 1D, you will begin to learn the workflow for top-down robot modeling and begin modeling a drivetrain for your last project in Stage 1.
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